In order to introduce EMESS via this new blog, the record of the meetings from the past two years (2012 and 2013) are being added to the site. The events included the first two of the annual lectures held at the University of Lincoln, plus hands-on training days to carry out the repair of real buildings in Lincolnshire. 2012, MEETING 1 Minutes of EMESS Meeting, at School of Architecture, University of Lincoln Date : 7.00 – 10.00pm, Thursday 1 March 2012 Present : 12 EMESS members and 14 University members Apologies : Bernard Martin, Kath Thomas and Simon Chesters Welcome : The University members of Article 25 welcomed the EMESS membership to the School of Architecture. The two groups have the common interest of sustainable building construction, and so the students looked forward to the talks to be given that evening. The University tutor wh...
The 1956 film “The Ten Commandments”starred Charlton Heston as Moses from the Bible. At one time, as a Jewish slave in Egypt, he was shown building with mud. This was a very Hollywood version of such work, as what was shown was the use of a very wet, sloppy mix, and so the conditions portrayed were very messy. Such a mix could have been used for mud mortar, but not for the mud bricks which were the subject of the work in hand. The mix for bricks needs to be wet enough to be malleable, but not so wet that its splashes about. The mix for mortar does need to be wetter, however, in order for it to fit around the bricks to make a homogeneous whole. The 2005 film “The New World” starred Christian Bale as Captain John Smith who married Princess Pocahontas on the east coast of the USA when Europeans first settled in that country. Once the village was established, there are scenes in the film showing the cottages in which people lived, which look like correct portrayal...
EMESS held its most recent meeting on Saturday the 4th April 2015 at the barn at Tumby Moorside, Lincolnshire. This is a Grade II listed building which the society is gradually repairing, by carrying out the work on a like for like basis. Those who attended were: Rodney Cousins, Trevor Oliver, Eleanor Harris, Tony Bonham and David Glew. The work carried out this time including mixing and applying mud repairs to the original mud and stud walling, to maintain it's structural integrity. In addition the base of a length of the south wall was stabilised by laying salvaged bricks in mud mortar, to continue repairs which were started a few years ago. The French drain along the south wall was also repaired, by excavating and sieving gravel, and putting it back inside the line of bricks, to reduce the volume of rising damp within the walls. Finally, limewash was applied to previous mud repairs on the north and south walls, to help protect the walls in the future. During a short busin...
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