Sunday 13th November 1pm. Village Museum, Skegness. We are meeting at the museum to make a start with collating the archives. There is lots of information and hundreds of photos to sort through. Anyone willing to help just turn up on the day. For more information feel free to email or call me on 07801065291 Saturday 10th December 2pm. Meeting; Village Museum, Skegness. 2-2.30 pm. Guided tour of Withern Cottage. 2.30-3 pm Tour around museum. 3 pm. Committee meeting. [ Agenda to follow ] June 12th - 17th 2017 EBUKI [Earth Building UK & Ireland] / EMESS Clayfest. EBUKI has run a number of successful Clayfest events in Scotland, Ireland and Cumbria. The proposed programme is four days of workshops at the Heritage Skills Centre, Lincoln Castle, followed by a conference at Lincoln University and on Saturday 17th a tour of earth buildings, with a focus on mud and stud. The event will be truly international with demonstrators and speakers from al...